Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Conjugating the simpletons

I have he full conjugations of indicative for ver and salir. Both of them commonly volacalized, so we expect vocally induced irregulars in the upper left corner.

In the right side we see ver is regular and salir is regular to saldrir.    The least used spent more  syllables to lay out the future and conditional, they are used less.  We see this when growing up, events we have to produce in the future  are infrequent, we stop and spell them out, essentially, because they are rare innovative events in the discourse while see 'ya later', and 'I see' and commonly used  rejoinders.

The commonly used get fewer syllables. This is a principle of an encoder, we have so many syllable to use in a stream of discourse, what is the optimum mapping between the frequency of the words  and the syllable occupied. We always find the upper left corner of the common terms simplified.

When we build words with specific meaning used more rarely we add prefixes to the base stem.  We are, in this case, being inefficient to reduce the code book size. But who uses all those verbs with prefixes? The literaries, scribe to scribe communications, written and writing actually has greater bandwidth than the vocal. The Latins with their parchment had more written bandwidth than any local vernacular used. So they could pile on the prefix strings and not be too worried about comprehension.   King of a powerful communications media, the ability to capture the essence of a huge variety of vernacular speakings in a single framework..

yo salgo  salí  salía saldría saldrétú sales saliste salías saldrías saldrásél sale salió salía saldría saldránosotros salimos salimos salíamos saldríamos saldremosellos salen salieron salían saldrían saldrán
yo veo vi veía vería verétú ves viste veías verías verásél ve vio veía vería veránosotros vemos vimos veíamos veríamos veremosellos ven vieron veían verían verán

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