Sunday, January 26, 2020

Consider the latest Moore's law jump

An advance in communications, how will the shock effect us?

The characteristic of this modern processor is that it will ship eight byte words, always, whether you like it or not. And it can look up eight bit words in the shortest path with single instruction compares in eight byte words.
So, the code book is suddenly growing, the new computer wants everything packed into a 64 bit word, including text. It needs a lot less grammar.  Note our search engines, we mostly worry about word ordering and about specifically selecting the unique word. Most of the grammar is gone ecause the search engine can plow through eight character works in an instant. I have a bunch of code posted on that.

This is a bit inhuman, and the technology will be providing online translators, real time version of google translate via google search, for example. We see some of this in online spell checks, and drop down selections on spelling and sometime grammar help.  All of that will be made more intelligent, and more easily managed, and the search engine semantics adapts to our local colloquialisms. The bots hold and manages the dictionary and structures the grammar.  The bots are the collection of personal servants help us decode, and our conversations with the bots contribute to an evolving dictionary.

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