Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Piling on

Democrats call for new gas pipeline moratorium amid pandemic

No, you idiots the virus not travel much by pipeline.

Krugman would say Keynes fails on account of Republicans, I say this government is unstable, designed that way.  This government was designed by the founders to avoid Keynesian nutcases, never let them in.

This crap does not stop from either party and our government is not an equilibriating free scalar, most governments are not.  Keynes was full of crap if he thought this would work here, all we get is cheaters and yappers and the science of economics stops.

Zombies are not the problem, the problem is that the Krugman's of the world are to delusional to be in the science, we need mathematicians. The math guys will tell us we need to make government slightly less unstable, and they present a method for incrementally finding the 'slightly less unstable' and adapt.  Keynes was simply an idiot with bad math tools at the time. Marx the same, Krugman in 1970, ditto.

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