Thursday, April 16, 2020

Quarks should work as genertors

There should be some directed graph with rank equal to the modes.   Three of them, feed them with a Planck random sequence, they genetethe complete set of interactions when channel packed. A monte carlo machine. There shoudd be generators for the markov sets.

In the validatotr model, the quarks are always trying to center their locationi on the integer position. But it is a relative guess based on validation received elsewhere. Any one would agree to an adjustment as long as their own perceived error remains bound.

They have mass, they are under sampled.   So the perceived error is much more granular than low energy. Each one may have eight to sixteen configuration of output adjustment, colorings.

This simple model explains char, quarks also have a compression loss, and they cannot find white any closer than a uni charge.

Magnetism provide flow, maintain N and quanization. Motion is an N problem.  The squishey things distort. the imprecision, add bias. Three axis bias is ganular enough to correct, The system slight biases the mass quants to correct. A three axis Markov will tend to align an axis along the line of motion. The limited bandwidth correcting for motion and the oher two evaporate. Relativity is about making mass more accurate, it adds a term for the axis along the line of motion.

Graviy is an N problm. Whereverthree axis particle congregate, thy constantly reorient.  But, a=fter interaction,they stablizlize the local N with a centering process. Manage N density over large areas. Minimizs otal kinetic enery. Motion,magnetism and grvity are all about keep N within prcision.

Sin and charge are the result of internal aliasing.  Mass are the thing that almost anialited but locked up. The fundamental force is the prohibition against gaps.

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