Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Temperaure and spin disequilibrium

At the operating point the exact number of spin updates is happening, but the density of particles under pressure is greater than equilibrium,.  Spin becomes over sampled an that increased spin disequilirium in aggregate, the particles will move.

nR = PV/T  nR tells us how many spin exchanges we need. T tells us how many are over sampled. 

A Markkov random field:
In the domain of physics and probability, a Markov random field (often abbreviated as MRF), Markov network or undirected graphical model is a set of random variables having a Markov property described by an undirected graph. In other words, a random field is said to be a Markov random field if it satisfies Markov properties.
]I think this is the Markov tree, having no collissions.  The Boltzman tree trimming that makes this tree acyclic graph both removed redundant updates and combines conditional probabilities with commutivity.

And this is me repeating someone else's work:
The Hammersley–Clifford theorem is a result in probability theory, mathematical statistics and statistical mechanics, that gives necessary and sufficient conditions under which a strictly positive probability distribution[clarification needed] can be represented as a Markov network (also known as a Markov random field). It is the fundamental theorem of random fields
It states that a probability distribution that has a strictly positive mass or density satisfies one of the Markov properties with respect to an undirected graph G if and only if it is a Gibbs random field, that is, its density can be factorized over the cliques (or complete subgraphs) of the graph.
The number N has to match Plank and uncertainty is constant is my guess. I did not read the proof.  But they must show that commutivity can always trim the graph after redundancy is removed.

I mostly discover any idea I might have is already handled previously, But putting all these graph theorems together is what make the system tractable. But the real test if if their exists a Dophanttine equation with associated tree. If there is a Dophantine then we know that everywhere the species will adopt the same physics constant, N,plank, Boltxman.  Each of those are simple moment centering methods. Basically, remove loops by mission and thus obtain commutivity of the loop mambers. This is the 3D case, so in higher dimensions, we get more loop redundancy types  and more complex commutivity gains. The the list should be finite in any Dophantine, by definition. And there must be a Dophantine for any consecutive series of prime queues in the total Markov network before trimming, the factorial network.
My method says that if the primes are considered a queue of updates, then there should be a constant N that just matches the Poisson probabilies that generae the redundancy.  I should be able to find a constant N that makes Poisson a finite set and it simply allocates update space over a complete sequence.. There exists a Huffman code that just lowers the resolution of the Markov net so that it can be colored.

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