Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The missing book on self sampled systems

The spectral theory of self sampling, really. And the unifying factor ae these Dophanine equations, the series that must exist. The astounding part is that we can equate continuous Poisson flows with congestion on a Markov nets.  This is a spectral theory of graphs, quite a powerful tool to have. It gives you a finite count, the exact number of elements needed to coherently remove loops and cancel correlations in any factorial expansion of some dimension N.  Shannon completed to the general case. The work of brilliant mathematicians of ages ago.

We need the text on this, ASAP and some of those authors working the proof of non-convergence needs to get that book. That book will be the math primer in every grammar school. We need teach these kids a lot about graphs and their systematic reduction.

This is the very heart of number and prime theory. It is always creating the best quotient network in dividing the various distributions of redundancy and getting the commutative property defined to match the steps through the update graph. It connects multiplicity and commtativity,  to some resolution.

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