Monday, April 13, 2020

This is a regular bailout, not a corona bailout

The Postal Service would likely turn a profit if it were run like most government agencies, but the agency is bound by a unique requirement to pre-fund its retirement benefits more than 50 years in advance. That mandate along with a post-recession decline in mail volumes has left the agency in a precarious financial situation, and the economic slowdown caused by the coronavirus now puts its basic operations in jeopardy. Accordingly, the two representatives added to the House stimulus package a set of provisions that would help bail out the agency, including an emergency payment of $25 billion and a provision that would allow the agency to borrow an additional $15 billion in the short term. The final version of the bill passed by the Senate, though, only raised the borrowing limit to $10 billion and omitted the emergency payment.

The Nation is bringing their regularly scheduled bailout to the corona party.  The postal service has to waers gloves, mask  and wash hands. They have some sick people out, they are not dying in droves.  The bailout proposed is because of the prefunding requirement, which the progressives never liked.

Two different categories. The corona bailout is unexpected, and has nothing to do with this issue.  The pension bailout, deserved or not, was on the bailout schedule long before Nation stated lying about corona.

Warren is puling this mixed bag as is Nancy as is Kamala as is AOC.   Why do we care? Because the economy takes extra cost and time to get the issues separated and their channels packed. The horseshit from the priors crowd is a waste of time, we know you are coming for your bailout, separate the issue from corona.

This is how AOC did her green new deal. It originally was a regular new deal, the kind we always have, the normal bailout of colored people.  Then she prepended green and all the idiot economists ,stuck on priors, have to give GND some special escape from global warming taxes.  They are nutty as frig.

Progressives need to figure out that we are ten years ahead of you in hedging the expected bailouts. Who all is pulling this mix up, and why?  If you are a Godot economist then be one and schedule your damn bailouts in public, honestly.

This kind of fraud is a problem inherent in an unstable government.  We engage in it, mostly, in politics. It is why most of us imagine the Swamp to be a five foot deep sewage lake. The two party system cannot deal with this government, it is failing.

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