Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Walmart policy

They can stay open and they do things right. They test workers, daily temperature and make it accurate. Since they take my advice, I would add masks required, and shorter shifts. Get clerks home early to dump the clothes, take a shower. Keep the checkout stands clean, each clerk at the stand gets disinfectant wipes, for her gloves, for the counter, and she is expected to wipe down every few customers.  Keep the lines moving. The less the checkout congestion, the less the spread rate.

And keep the air flowing, run the fans suck out the inside air and suck in the outside air. Try getting more airflow near the checkout stands, that is your most dangerous spot.

Here is one for Walmart:

Lysol® Max Cover Disinfectant Mist - Lavender Fields Scent

Add an optional spray garden, folks walk through the disinfectant mist.  But sell disinfectant, make it front and center, it reminds folks to social distance while in line.  Sell disinfectant at a discount, buy it in bigger volumes.  But always, always keep those lines short and customers moving. If they could remind folks to keep their distance while walking the aisles, that is good idea.

The Walmart checkout line, theory and practice together all at once from different angles.

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