Saturday, January 18, 2020

Making a real word list

la escoba, el trapeador, el trapo, el balde, el jabónDebemos trapear, barrer, limpiar, fregar, secar, limpiar, fregarel polvo la mugre la grasa las manchas derrama el óxidopiso ventanas paredes estufa mostrador gabinete refrigeradorLas ollas, las sartenes, los platos, las tazas,los platos, los utensilios, los cuencos, las cucharas, los tenedores, los cuchillos

Here is the semantic of every thing I need to get around the kitchen and give it a good cleaning. So I put this list on one single flash card using my Gnu flashcard set up, and the translations on the other side. Courtesy of google translator snce these are simple maps they work and I can then write a story since I have ability to make tenses, person, object and subject noun and adverb and so on.

But the key is make a real list, a list of the semantics that ut you in a bounded story. Bounded I mean your key stems do not exceed the story line.

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