Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The law is not on your side Mr. Grijalva

House Natural Resources chair pushes for justification for BLM move while eyeing subpoena
House Natural Resources Chair Raul Grijalva (D-A.Z.) pushed again Tuesday for the Department of Interior to hand over documents explaining its rationale for relocating the headquarters of the nation’s public lands agency to Colorado, turning down a meeting with Interior Secretary David Bernhardt as the committee inches closer to a subpoena.
Grijalva has been asking for a cost-benefit analysis of the move since July, questioning how uprooting nearly 200 Bureau of Land Management (BLM) employees from D.C. makes financial or practical sense. He has previously threatened to subpoena the department for the documents.
It is an executive choice.  So you plan to do one of these 'Personal intent' lawsuits, which that idiot Roberts allowed on the census.  Now, we gt personal intent lawsuits all over the place because of that nut.

Roberts will not rule in your favor, he has determined that the census ruling opened a horrid can of worms and will be anxious to close that nutty ruling ASAP.  Justice Roberts is a complete idiota. Nor do I u7nderstan why anyone from Arizona really cares.

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