Tuesday, January 7, 2020

There final destination is Saudi Arabia

FORT BRAGG, N.C. (Reuters) - For many of the soldiers, it would be their first mission. They packed up ammunition and rifles, placed last-minute calls to loved ones, then turned in their cell phones. Some gave blood.

The 600 mostly young soldiers at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, were headed for the Middle East, part of a group of some 3,500 U.S. paratroopers ordered to the region. Kuwait is the first stop for many. Their final destinations are classified.
It is not classified, it is public policy.

The Saudis are the ones paying the bills.  This is all about the latest version of the Arab oil deals repubs make, and blunder every time. This is a Mike Pence catastrophe, that nut head falls for the Arab deals every time, as does Rick Perry.

2020 will all be about who is paying the bills when this falls apart, not California, you can bet on that. Expect a prolonged tax battle up to the very end.
Para mis lectores españoles:

Los sauditas son los que pagan las cuentas. Se trata de la última versión de los acuerdos petroleros árabes que hacen los repubs, y siempre se equivocan. Esta es una catástrofe de Mike Pence, esa cabeza de loco se enamora de los negocios árabes cada vez, al igual que Rick Perry.

2020 será todo sobre quién paga las facturas cuando esto se desmorona, no California, puedes apostar por eso. Espere una prolongada batalla fiscal hasta el final.

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