Friday, January 10, 2020

This slow linux system cannot handle on line ads

It suffers enough from X Windows and a slow disk. When I take a perfectly fine page and remove the ad blocker, the page becomes a nightmare of disk twirling while I wait.  The flashing of ads, the whirl of the disk, the cursor will not move, X Windows starts jumping the cursor around, a perfect nightmare.

Solution, pay per view.  Subscriptions will not work, there is not enough trust and the churn rate is way to high.

I also search differently when hunting for a general site about some topic. Google has become useless it prioritizes for ad income and noting looks good util the fourth or fifth page of the search results. So, instead I look for the 'Ten most useful sites...', the reviews of folks who have navigated the atrocious Google engine.

The ad services have little clue, something is wrong and I am to lazy to find a complete solution. The general idea is a trad journal concept where the ads better match and fit in with the page contents.

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