Sunday, January 19, 2020

Tiny verbs in spanish

The Colloquials, like small everyday verbs like, ser, ir, ver, asar, freir, oir.

But there are only so many ways to fit in a suffix a without bumping into another word. That forces a bunch of stem changes on its own near yo present, to el imperfect,that whole corner of the conjugation is used way more any other part of the square of conjugations, in the vocal conversations.

This is about taking losses in Huffman coding, and includesa battle between the wider bandwidth of paper vs voice..

yo frio conflicts with cold and someone has to eat an accent or become irregular. he colloquials have taken up frito. And to eliminate aso from asar, the colloquials have taken up asado. But these conflict.

We have scribes, and one of them, google translate, has not found a way out. S I use tostar, quantize up where the commutative property of all the options is better. Complex enough that in a conflict, the context is better demonstrated, tostar is more likely to sort properly, . And tostar already comes with tuesto, tuestas, etc These stem changes make then unique, like adding a prefix to sort them together.

Anyway, it still happening, the media trying to match the message. Remember, the spoken word does not have a repeatable ordering, like the written. I an always can back to recover the subject or object on a page. The spoken word does not have that, so the short term memory only deal with a few words, mostly separated by vocalization for easy remembering. Listening is like listening to a song, the words have to have a beat and melody over some small set of semantics.

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