Tuesday, January 7, 2020

LAURA TYSON is stuck on a strawman

BERKELEY – For a half-century, American corporations (and many others around the world) have embraced shareholder primacy, which holds that the only responsibility of business is to maximize profits. But this principle is now being challenged by corporate leaders themselves, with the United States Business Roundtable announcing last year that it will adopt a stakeholder approach that focuses not just on shareholders but also on customers, employees, suppliers, and communities, all of which are deemed essential for business performance.
I have news for Laura. The super wealthy are doubling their wealth every four years simply because of Krugman and is "debt is what we owe ourselves" nonsense.

Laura is pushing philosophy, like Ezra, neither can find the congestion problems. We need someone who isn't stuck with priors and can dig down and find out what is wrong with the senate. Jim Inhofe and Ted Cruz alone created a much bigger problem, the 4 trillion in useless military hiding out from Iranian drones.  Now we have Texas Space Cadets.  All a pure waste, a potential default.

Laura, suggest you start with the real bottleneck, in juxtaposition, all your tiny priors do not help. The senate is nuts. Ask why the senate went nuts then attack that problem.

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