Thursday, January 16, 2020

The future of literature

I would think an explosion of languages and language. The catch is that we will use software extractors to frame it our own semantics. The search engines are taking a jump in IQ, and the bots underneath have no problems with complex language. The eight bit character, 26 letters remain dominant.  It remains the perfect bot language, and bots have no problem using whatever stem words and modifiers the user expects.

Like Wiki with the roll over on the mouse, one gets the instant summary of whatever the bot thinks about that word. And our search filters become a more comfortable language for us. It will be easier for the bot and the human to agree on semantics and order while varying the subject matter.

On heir own today's bots understand simple contracts, that is not a complex piece o literature, but they can manage without humans.  The next generation jumps that up so bots can do something with two different pages of fiction.  Things like find common themes in sort anecdotes, locate punchlines and the implies contradiction.  Simple level. But the searches will get a whole lot more accurate as a result.

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