Wednesday, April 24, 2019

A death sentence at 48

My latest victim.  She is in program! The program director wants her in mental hospital. Second Third generation meth head, when she is straight, she will observe she has cast the same spell onto her son, third fourth generation.

She is otherwise intelligent, I can assure you. But she knows the size of that hole near her hypothalamus. At 48 she is not sure she can overcome it. She is looking at a lifetime of hopelessness, the inability to make anything work in life. She was and is a cutter, her last cuts looked too vertical up the arm.

Uncles tattooed and homeless.  New immigrant women, at 20 become grand ma raising grand kids from tattooed and addicted first generation.   This is the pattern.  One method to break the channel, make cash labor on an ad hoc basis legal everywhere.  Getting discretionary spending back to government means one thing, use ad hoc, cash labor; it has a direct impact on this pattern. Share the power of ad hoc cash labor with private sector.

Give these folks a bus ride and 4 hours of ag work for $50 bucks. It gets them cash, they rebuild brain tissue where they need to rebuild it. The shrinks aren't all quite up to speed on the problem.

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