Friday, April 26, 2019

And about 40 million other Trump voters

The Trump campaign knew of Russia’s efforts, and in certain instances even welcomed them. The report makes it shockingly clear that there was a convergence of interests between the two.

Yes, I confess, me and the rest of us.  We didn't mind at all, thought it great dirty tricks.  It is why we voted Trump, we liked reading Hillary dirt. Otherwise, what is Mueller's point, and why bring up this, clearly a political attack on all that I hold sacred, political dirt.

Mueller simply states, implicitly, Congress can impeach whoever the frig they want to impeach, impeach away. Mueller held, in his hand, the clear impossibility of Trump himself being any more involved than the other 40 million of us during those hectic few weeks. And it was great political theater, an American right, as American as apple pie.

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