Friday, April 26, 2019

Been there, done that

School spending popular, taxes not so much

Dan Walters, still opining on Cal Government. This time, the usual, voters want more school spending less taxes. Poll support for the new property taxes is weak, and they need a 2/3 majority. [How do we exercise states rights with a minority?].

The solution to this contradiction is what the vast majority of Cal voters really want, the white guy who can add and subtract at the governorship.  We know we are nutty, really.  White sexism is the price we pay for irresponsible voting. 

Look back at Cal history, going 20 years. If the White Guy at the guv house screwed up, the economy screwed up. The Great White Father, he has the ice gene and can do abstract algebra automatically. Do not elect anyone south of Fresno, if we can avoid it, already too equatorial. The gals can go be senators. Just imagine a Nancy as governor, the system would fall apart, everyone be checking if the numbers add and Nancy having no clue.

The zoo of added entitlement coming from the lady candidates, plus Bernie and the thing for all stuff; it scares the shit out of those millennial gentrifiers, the ones who put AOC in power. When we get a growth spurt like this, just prior to primaries, the fantasies get out of control.  All the Dem be adding to the list, and that be jamming the budget process something fierce.  Trump is barely a Nixon alternative.  Boobs Biden?  Scary nightmare, he won't understand the generational change issue.  We need a plain spoken Redneck, except more sublime, like a youthful Jerry Brown. That Indiana mayor might work.

The likelihood that we get a stable, intelligent group for the MMT meeting? Not good.

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