Monday, April 29, 2019

If Goofy is X then Pluto is Y

The debate is revived in my head, I have a query.  Can the dog know what the opposeable thumb is?  How? Dogs never tried, once in millions years to make thumb meet forefinger.

Then, what is an opposeable to my Chihuahua? It is a mouth, it has soft teeth, and great to wrestle, like a fetch toy. And that brings up the other question, if my hand is a mouth, then does my chihuahua connect my hand to my face, which gets licked quite frequently?  No, my chihuahua thinks me a pack, or thinks me a dominant with a bunch of fetch toys is more likely. It likely equates my hand with a stuffed bear.

But is my chihuahua typical? That brings up the goofy/Pluto paradox, I do not think the chihuahua typical.  The equation is:

Dog = Goofy then Chihuahua = Pluto.

I believe the chihuahua was an evolutionary mistake. An evolutionary attempt to take over rodent space, and the species got stuck, the rodents too big. The chihuahua stuck with an inability to model a huge thing, gave up part of its brain, to crawl in rat tunnels.

A real dog would figure me out, make me a connected whole, a dude with three mouths.

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