Friday, April 26, 2019

Singularity automates agriculture

Auto pricing unleashed in the sandbox has computed the optimum automation mechanism for agriculture, a first in human history. Mrk Krikorian has the story

I am unsure of the details, but it has been leaked to me that this is a bot in the pic to the left. A new biotbot invented by the network, it does farm work, just feed it burritos.
I digress. The bigger point maybe better information exchange yields a better understanding and consensus. If you have a NAFTA visa and want to pick strawberries, no one is really complaining. A great discovery.  The discovered forensics is the political interference causes bunching and volatile labor mobility.  Some would prefer to go back home after the season, or otherwise move to another venue. Or they rushed to the border because of Pelosi and the political hysteria.

Bunching, jamming. This is a blunder the new bots will spot right away, it would be understandable if handfuls of blogs and on line discussions mixed with search engines and translators may have autonomously educated us. It is a primitive singularity in action.

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