Monday, April 29, 2019

Kevin has been misinformed

Millennial incomes are no lower than previous generations. Nor, generally speaking, are millennials more in debt, less likely to own a home, or less likely to spend money. You can pick out a few small differences depending on how you cherry pick years and which generations you compare to, but millennials right now are roughly as well off as young people in previous generations and their spending habits are pretty similar too.
I have a chart, it tell me what proportion of out income pays for Kevin Drum's boomer debt:

3%, currently, but check the CBO chart as we pay off Boomer debt.  The millennials end up paying about 4% of income, just for interest charges on boomer debt.

Unsustainable.  Boomers were paying those charges in the 80s. Millennials are not living the horror show. 

Kevin, like the rest of the Keynesians, are better off settling on a number they can bring to the MMT meeting, in time for some old fashioned Hcksonian.  We always do it. 

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