Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Why did I boot hispanic woman o her demise?

Because Hispanic woman number 2 ended up[ with a pit bull that her son acquired because Hispanic son learned that having pit bulls is a Mexican macho thing.  They are not Mexican macho things, they chew Hispanic children, and Hispanic husband of Hispanic friend got a clue.  So dumb shit Hispanic woman 1 dumps the dog on hopeless Hispanic women 2, who has a history of letting dogs terrorize the neighborhood.

This is not in Drum's talking points, it is a common problem with small landlords and one of the reasons Hispanics have street time.  We have to deal with dumb shit owners of pit bulls all the time, they are mostly Hispanic and we end up with the problem because of some dumbshit Hispanic castration complex; and it is a Hispanic problem.  Until Kevin Drum gets a talking point with that specific problem solved, the screw him and his government badges, Hispanics with pit bulls end up on the streets, the new talking point, we have dealt with that problem too long, it is right up there with Mexican cartels are not a good source of political funds, that one is in the talking points for small landlords. If Kevoin doesn't like racism then kevin should dump the white man's burden from his talking points.

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