Saturday, April 27, 2019

Dear Elizabeth Warren: Don’t Make Other People Pay Off My Student Loans 
Since my April student loan payment to the U.S. Department of Education was processed, I now have about $15,575 remaining on my balance for Denver’s Regis University, from which I graduated in 2011. Earlier on, as I paid back much of my debt mountain, I took out a few forbearances.In other words, I know what it’s like to feel the strain of student debt. But hardship and costliness are not enough to justify forcing taxpayers to pay my bills for me, or anyone else’s.
The poster graduated in 2011, voted once and now owes $100,000 for federal stuff he never voted for.   There is a transition point, now, where he and his parents are not sure who voted for all this. The issue is, how is he going to vote next time. A wrong vote and suddenly he has no claim come the moment of MMT.

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