Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Why is this endogenous?

Because not a one of our brave Hispanic legislators has proposed California foreign aid to Central America, the best pay off for the Central Americans.  That is proof, the political system is a cartel funded philosophy that demands the right of Central Americans kids to across the border for the drug trade, the central issue and funded via the Hispanic non profits via cartel funds.

We get these Hispanic families that end up, three generations, drugged senseless.  When is a California union going to recommend more taxes for Central American foreign aid? It is not happening, the Hispanic legislature and the unions are going to let the cartel rule out here, and if Gavin has no clue then Kamala and the teachers may be screwed.  We are becoming political outsiders. What if the teachers union get a clue? What if they discover this horse shit is being dumped on schools?

Rehab unions are locked out, conflict of interest they want to call meth recreational.  Cal unions cannot crack the cartel politics, that has to be done in central America, or California has to becomes central americans, we have few paths here, and government badges are not helping. The discretionary spending is all gone, allocated for voting liabilities past due. We are Kenyesian screwed. They be dying in the streets, as we speak, because I, a small landord, cannot crack the cartel code while being hounded to pay for government badges from failed solutions of the past.

The parts I cannot support die in the street, more than once. One got a load of money, moved to a nicer place and fentanyled herself to death. Another ended up in jail, was murdered. I fully expect the third to be hanging from a tree tomorrow.  This is how we deal with the left over cost of government badges.

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