Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Putin's confusing efforts, according to evidence

Ex post, it becomes clear that early in the comedy of errors, no one really considered the illegality of it all,. Downer had the same reaction as Papa, weird political dirt. The DNC had the same first thought, just a funny dirty trick.

Putin was like the rest, political dirt, the usual stuff; and had no real aim other than explore the market; if all facts are believed.  Mitfsad got caught, unfairly, in the middle; but frankly everyone was in the middle; all parties seemed to be of the same London club, including Russian.  I doubt Mitfsad initiated the mess, he just ran into the information like everyone else in that two weeks period, a year after the FBI knew.  Miftsad was mainly pissed he got involved, accidentally.  It was musical chairs, whoever told whoever first in the few weeks before it was public.

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